A School Library is a vital part of school life and a hub where students and faculty converge to browse through the books and learn new things, to research for projects and to pursue their quest for knowledge in any field of their choice. While books are the heart of the library collection, a myriad of visual, audio and electronic resources are also available to enrich each student's individual learning needs. The school follows the open access system for students enabling student’s to browse through the available books for their project work or simply for pleasure reading.
Reference Section: Consisting mainly of Encyclopedias and other reference material on various subjects which can be referred only within the library.
Borrowing Section: This offers a wide selection of fictional as well as knowledge based books which can be issued out by the student.
A Digital Section: This consists of mainly Educational CDs.
A Teacher's and Parent's Resource Centre: The resource centre consists of books on good parenting, self help, motivation, philosophy and fiction. The CDs and books available at this resource centre can be borrowed by both staff and parents.
We have a story corner where stories come alive.
Our library, every day at the lunch break during the ‘Story Telling Session’ serves as the ‘Reading Hall’ where the facilitators narrate stories to the pupils seated at the Story Telling Corner specially designed by our own facilitators from the Art department.
It is said that the 21st Century belongs to the field of Information Technology and every day brings about a revolution in the field of computer science and technology. Our Computer Laboratory, houses the latest laptops, with a ratio of one machine per child to enable very child to get hands-on experience which will enhance their learning process. The curriculum is designed to suit the needs of the present generation and is aimed at teaching them the applications of various soft-wares like Paintbrush, MS Word, Excel, Power point, Frontpage, C++, Java and also teach them to use the Internet which is the need of the hour.
The school has a laboratory to open the minds of the students to the marvels of scientific research at a very young age. Our Pre-Primary students too are taken for lab visits. In higher classes, the teaching - learning process is enhanced as every student is expected to perform the experiments himself. This is rightly said that: What I learn - I Forget…….., What I see - I remember ……… And what I do - I Understand…….. our aim is to promote learning thorough understanding of concepts.
An acoustically treated auditorium with a professional stage and adequate light and sound system having a seating capacity of 500 serves as a platform for the students to exhibit their talents.We believe that every child has talent and it is up to us to identify and nurture it so that every child grows to his full potential. With this in mind all competitions are open to each and every child and it is ensured that every child gets an opportunity to perform in at least one event during the annual day celebration of the school.
We strongly believe that the pursuit of fine arts and sports enhance academic performance. Whilst activities like Carrom, Chess, Table-Tennis, Badminton, Skating, Athletics, Gymnastics, Basket Ball etc stimulate the thought process, fine arts like Dance (Bharat Natyam), Music Vocal and Instrumental, or Drama, give the students personality a new dimension. With this in mind, we have devised a curriculum which encourages the participation of every student in varied activities like sports, art and craft, music, dance, debates, etc., to hone the latent talents of every student for their holistic development of personality.